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TX Charter Bill Moves Forward

“House OKs amended charter school plan”
by Lindsay Kastner
Houston Chronicle
May 16, 2013

The Texas House approved on Thursday an amended version of a bill to introduce sweeping changes to the state’s charter school system.

Senate Bill 2 passed on a 105-34 vote on second reading. It now faces a third reading before it can be reconciled with a similar version the Senate passed last month.

“I think the bill supports quality charters, helping them to expand and grow but at the same time helping to shut down the poor performers,” said the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock, R-Killeen.

Its author, Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, has called SB2 the most comprehensive charter school legislation since the state introduced the publicly funded and privately run schools in the 1990s. Previous efforts to change the system made it through the Senate but failed to gain traction in the House.

The bill would update rules on the renewal, expansion and revocation of charters, raising the current cap of 215 charters that can be authorized at any one time by allowing an additional 10 per year up to a total of 275 by 2019. Charter holders may operate multiple schools under a single charter.

It would also tighten nepotism rules – an amendment exempts current employees – and give operators the right of first refusal on the lease or purchase of unused facilities in traditional public school districts.

Patrick initially sought to provide charters with state funding for facilities, create a separate board to authorize new charters and to eliminate the state cap altogether.

He and other supporters have argued that Texas needs more charters to provide choices to families, including the more than 100,000 Texas school children on charter school waiting lists.

Critics of the bill questioned whether the state could maintain proper oversight of rapid charter school expansion. Later versions of the bill, including the one the House passed Thursday, took a more gradual approach and left authorization decisions in the hands of the State Board of Education.

On Thursday, Rep. Sylvester Turner, D-Houston, tried to amend the bill to delay raising the cap for one year while quality controls are put in place.

“I’m not opposed to charter schools,” he said. “The only point I’m making is that before we open the door for more charter schools, let’s place quality into the system.”

It failed 52 to 86.

The House adopted other amendments, including one requiring teachers at charter schools to hold bachelor’s degrees and another requiring the majority of a charter’s board members to be “qualified voters.”

Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, introduced the latter amendment, saying it was not aimed at any particular charter operator. Critics of the Harmony Public Schools charter network have complained to lawmakers in the past about the presence of Turkish citizens among Harmony leadership.

During the debate, Rep. Yvonne Davis, D-Dallas, called three points of order – technicalities that can be used to stall or derail a bill – but all three were overruled.

Daily Headlines for May 17, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


Education Policies Operating in the Dark
Huffington Post, May 16, 2013

More enlightened awareness of what is required in training and preparing school leaders and less simplistic rhetoric would go a long way toward getting education policy out of the dark and on the path of improving how schools are run, teachers are mentored and children are given the opportunities to learn, goals to which we all aspire.



Marsh says he’ll block plan to delay school tax credits
Tuscaloosa News, May 17, 2013
The architect of Alabama’s new private-school tax credits intends to block the governor’s proposal to delay the tax breaks for two years.


Blue vs. Blue
Commentary, City Journal, May 16, 2013
Reformers such as Romero and Rhee should be commended for veering from the traditional Democratic Party line and standing up to teachers’ union bosses and their bought-and-paid-for cronies in Sacramento. Fighting those moneyed interests is a battle that good people of all political persuasions should support.


Denver Public Schools teachers speak out against losing jobs
Denver Post, May 17, 2013
Emotions ran high Thursday night at the Denver Public Schools board meeting as dozens of speakers raised concerns about the district’s decision not to renew contracts for about 250 teachers.

Longmont parents, officials discuss Twin Peaks Charter discrimination concerns
Longmont Times Call, May 16, 2013
A group of Hispanic parents concerned that their children are facing discrimination at Twin Peaks Charter School met with school officials and St. Vrain Valley School District leaders on Thursday, according to a city employee involved in the matter.


Christina pulls out of fight with Delaware
Delaware News Journal, May 16, 2013
The money has been tied up for months in a battle between the district and the state Department of Education over a plan to attract top-flight teachers to low-performing schools.


Duval County Public Schools budget shrinks due to turning over charter school funds
First Coast News, May 16, 2013
The Duval County School Board has begun the budget process for next school year.
The board found out today that some budget shortfalls are already threatening some new initiatives Superintendent Nikolai Vitti wanted to begin this next school year.


CPS documents raise questions about closings
Chicago Tribune, May 17, 2013
Making the case to close Ericson Academy on the West Side, Chicago Public Schools officials stressed that it would cost $9.6 million to fix the 51-year-old building. What they didn’t point out in materials provided to parents was that they planned to spend nearly as much this summer on repairs to Sumner Elementary, where Ericson students would be reassigned.


Ball State had a duty to pull the plug on charters
Editorial, News Sentinel, May 17, 2013
When Ball State University announced it would not renew the contracts of seven of its charter schools – including three in Fort Wayne – for poor performance ratings, this newspaper received heartfelt letters to the editor from charter parents. Never mind the raw statistics, the letters usually said, our child has shown remarkable growth at the school.


Teachers union approved for N.O. charter school
The Advocate, May 16, 2013
Taking the initial step in what will be the first unionized charter school in Louisiana, teachers at the Morris Jeff Community School received recognition from the school’s board of directors Thursday.

More charter schools coming to New Orleans
Times-Picayune, May 16, 2013
The charter school application process for the 2014-15 school year is going forward in New Orleans, which already has the highest percentage of students in charters in the United Statest. Nine groups have applied to open charters under the auspices of the state, and the Orleans Parish School Board announced its final timeline for approving applications.

House OKs ‘union busting’ legislation for teachers
The Daily Advertiser, May 17, 2013
House members Thursday sent to the Senate legislation that prevents future staff and employees of teacher unions to participate in the Teacher Retirement System of Louisiana.


Diversity and choice key for city schools
Opinion, Baltimore Sun, May 16, 2013
We share the editorial view that outgoing Baltimore City Schools CEO Andrés Alonso created a strong platform to sustain ongoing improvement in our schools (“School reform 2.0,” May 12). But the editorial’s call for more standardization around the system is off the mark.


Charter elementary school closing, much to dismay of students, parents, teachers
KCTV, May 16, 2013
It was a heartbreaking day Thursday at one area school after students were told they wouldn’t be coming back to their campus next year.


The politics of envy
Op-Ed, New York Post, May 17, 2013
This fall, more than 70,000 students will attend charter schools in New York City. But, sadly, another 50,000 are now on waiting lists.

Charter schools, popular with parents, but not with Dem mayoral candidates
Opinion, New York Daily News, May 17, 2013
The families of more than 69,000 city children have cast votes in favor of school choice and against entrenched educational failure. The heck with them, say most of the city’s mayoral candidates.


How school vouchers successfully customize education, change lives
News & Observer, May 16, 2013
The debate over a private learning option for poor schoolchildren in North Carolina has a familiar ring to it because Florida faced similar fears a dozen years ago.


Legislature could require Columbus school levy to support charters
Columbus Dispatch, May 16, 2013
Columbus schools would be required to place a levy on the ballot in the fall that would share cash with charter schools, under a bill two state lawmakers introduced today.

Legislator’s plan would provide preschool vouchers for 22,000
Columbus Dispatch, May 16, 2013
A Senate Republican leader on education policy wants to create a $100 million voucher program over the next two years to allow thousands of low-income Ohio children to attend preschool.


Hite proposes ending teacher seniority
Philadelphia Inquirer, May 17, 2013
William R. Hite Jr. knows it’s a tough ask: $120 million from a state that historically views Philadelphia and its public schools “as a cesspool.”


Hamilton County charter schools reach milestone
Times Free Press, May 17, 2013
There’s a disclaimer that students get before signing up for Ivy Academy: You’re going to get hot. You’re going to get cold. Your socks will get wet. And you’re going to get tired. That’s because students and staff at Ivy spend much of their days outdoors, trekking through the woods, studying trees, creeks and animal life up close.

Charter schools losing struggling students to zoned schools
WSMV, May 16, 2013
Leaders with Metro Nashville Public Schools have serious concerns about what is happening at some of the city’s most popular charter schools.


House votes to raise cap on number of Texas charter schools
Dallas Morning News, May 16, 2013
The long-standing cap on independent charter schools in Texas would be bumped up and state education officials would be given new authority to clean up or close down troubled charter schools under a bill the House tentatively approved Thursday.


Utah charter schools under new performance scrutiny
Salt Lake Tribune, May 17, 2013
For the first time, the State Charter School Board has evaluated Utah’s 81 charter schools in three key areas — academics, finances and governance — creating a baseline for comparing the schools next year.

Milwaukee’s voucher schools need to clean house
Opinion, Journal Sentinel, May 16, 2013
School voucher proponents should stop being defensive, stop trying to misdirect public concern over accountability and the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program’s lackluster performance on the state’s standardized test measure: the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination.


Microsoft donates $1 million to help expand ‘blended learning’ in D.C. schools
Washington Post, May 16, 2013
Microsoft has donated $1 million to help D.C. teachers redesign their classrooms using a “blended learning” approach that combines online learning with face-to-face instruction.

Governor signs virtual schools legislation
WBIR, May 16, 2013
Gov. Bill Haslam has signed into law a measure to tighten enrollment requirements at privately run online schools.

New Report Shows How Broadband Provides Educational Opportunities To Many Tennesseans
Chattanoogan, May 16, 2013
In conjunction with Connected Tennessee’s participation at the East Tennessee Educational Technology Association’s regional meeting, Connected Tennessee on Thursday released Broadband Provides Educational Opportunities to Many Tennesseans, showing online learning is as essential in K-12 as it is in higher education, and can boost the growth of the Tennessee workforce as more degrees and certificates become available online.

Tablets in the classroom push learning
Manteca Bulletin, May 16, 2013
The group at Autrey Mill Middle School in suburban Atlanta is part of a pilot project launched this spring by Amplify, News Corp.’s education technology company, which has tablets in the hands of some 2,500 students at 12 schools across the country including two in Georgia.

State sets hearing dates for online school proposal
Chicago Tribune, May 17, 2013
A state commission will hold hearings next month as it determines whether to overrule 18 suburban school districts that rejected a proposal for an online charter school.

Daily Headlines for May 16, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


Schools Rethink Suspension
Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2013

Damien Valentine was suspended from school for the first time as a seventh-grader in South Central Los Angeles, after arguing with a math teacher who had asked him to change seats.



La Tijera School May Be Converted To Charter Campus
Los Angeles Wave, CA, May 15, 2013

Interim state administrator La Tanya Kirk-Carter has approved a study that seeks to convert La Tijera School into a dependent charter like City Honors, the district’s top academic institution.

Charter School Needs To Open Up
Los Altos Town Crier, CA, May 15, 2013

When is a public school meeting open to the public and when is it not? That’s the question we’ve been asking since Doug Smith, Los Altos School District Board of Trustees president, found himself unwelcome at two recent Bullis Charter School parent meetings he wanted to attend.

Data Lacking From Teacher Prep Push
San Diego Union-Tribune, CA, May 16, 2013

For the rest of the semester, the students will gradually take over more responsibilities in local classrooms, many of which are in low-performing schools in high-poverty districts.


Denver School Shutdown Creates Tension In Stapleton, Park Hill
Denver Post, CO, May 16, 2013

A plan to shut down an underperforming middle school in Park Hill and replace it with a nearby Stapleton campus has tensions running high among neighborhood parents.


Judge Declines To Block D.C. School Closures
Washington Post, DC, May 16, 2013

Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson can move forward with plans to close 15 D.C. schools, a federal judge ruled Wednesday, rejecting activists’ claims that the closures violate the civil rights of city children.


Education Bills To Change State Landscape
St. Augustine Record, FL, May 16, 2013

The biggest battles on the education front in the 2013 legislative sessions have already been fought and largely decided: Educators will get $480 million in pay raises, though not precisely how Gov. Rick Scott had asked, and the Senate killed a bill allowing parents more of a say in the future of failing schools.


CTU Files Lawsuits To Stop School Closings
Chicago Tribune, IL, May 16, 2013

The Chicago Teachers Union’s decision to go to court to try to stop the city from closing 53 elementary schools, while not unexpected, makes clear that the Board of Education’s vote on the proposal next week will not put an end to the controversy.


Charter Schools Should Reassess Before Seeking New Start
Journal Gazette, IN, May 16, 2013

School closings are painful and disruptive, but the decisions behind them are never made lightly. Ball State University President Jo Ann Gora’s decision this week to uphold the charter revocations for five Indiana schools, including two Imagine schools in Fort Wayne, appears to come with more deliberation than the initial decision to grant the charters.

BSU Ending Pacts With 3 City Charters, 7 In Indiana
The Journal Gazette, IN, May 16, 2013

Ball State University officials have officially pulled the plug on the sponsorship of seven charter schools across the state, including three in Fort Wayne.


LPSS Board Hears Pitch On Charter Schools
The Daily Advertiser, LA, May 16, 2013

Two organizations hope to build a total of four charter schools in Lafayette Parish.

Voucher Funding Formula Modified
The Daily Advertiser, LA, May 16, 2013

Education Superintendent John White says a Louisiana Supreme Court ruling and Senate committee action are forcing a reworking of the plan to fund public schools by taking vouchers out of the formula and funding them separately.

Shakeout From School Voucher Ruling By Louisiana Supreme Court Begins
Times-Picayune, LA, May 15, 2013

The ramifications of a state Supreme Court decision radically disrupting school funding in general and Gov. Bobby Jindal’s voucher program in particular began to become clear Wednesday.


Baltimore Teachers Union Supports Call To Halt Common Core Consequences
Baltimore Sun Blog, MD, May 15, 2013

The Baltimore Teacher’s Union has called for the district hold off on attaching penalties to schools’ performance on the new Common Core assessments, citing insufficient professional development and resources to implement the new high-stakes curriculum.


Probation Is Urged For Charter School
Telegram & Gazette, MA, May 16, 2013

State Commissioner of Education Mitchell D. Chester is recommending that the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education place the Spirit of Knowledge Charter School on probation.

A Good-Hearted Undertaking At Norwell Charter School
Patriot Ledger, MA, May 16, 2013

South Shore Charter Public School is blanketed with paper hearts from all over the world as a result of a student project intended to prove that the world is filled with kindness.


School District Takeover Bill Goes To Nixon
Kansas City Star, MO, May 15, 2013

Legislation allowing the state to more quickly take over the Kansas City school district is headed to the governor.


In Education, Money Counts: NH’s Top Schools Often Have The Lowest Amounts Of Poverty
Nashua Telegraph, NH, May 16, 2013

It’s a question that has been tossed around for years, by lawmakers trying to create a balanced budget and by educators lobbying for more funding for schools.


A Team Approach to Get Students College Ready
New York Times Blog, NY, May 15, 2013

Sheffy’s school is one of three New York City public schools working with an organization called Blue Engine, which recruits and places recent college graduates as full-time teaching assistants in high schools, helps teachers shift to a small-group classroom model with a ratio of one instructor for roughly every six students…

The Bronx Is Burning — With Charter School Applications
New York Daily News, NY, May 15, 2013

Borough not only has the most hopefuls but also dramatically fewer slots. Parents complain of, frankly, poor schools in the mainland borough.

Bensonhurst Public School Sees Major Success From Longer Class Days
New York Daily News, NY, May 15, 2013

Bensonhurst students who are enduring a three-hour longer school day are finally seeing the reward: double-digit increases in test scores.

Charter School Students All From Utica
Utica Observer-Dispatch, NY, May 15, 2013

A Marcy couple hugged each other, eyes filled with tears at the sight of their daughter’s name on the acceptance list.

Thompson Proposes Plan for Teacher Merit Wages
Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2013

Bill Thompson said Wednesday he would create a form of merit pay for some New York City teachers if elected mayor, giving the city’s best teachers incentives to work in struggling schools.


Senate Backs Wake Commissioners Takeover Of School Construction
News Observer, NC, May 16, 2013

Wake County commissioners on Wednesday neared their goal of taking possession of more than $1.8 billion in Wake school property, as the state Senate passed a bill that would strip the school board of its authority to own and build schools.


Cleveland School District Moves Towards Performance Pay
StateImpact, OH, May 15, 2013

Last night the Cleveland school board unanimously agreed to what city and union officials are hailing as a groundbreaking teacher contract for Ohio. Union members will vote later this month.

House Revises Reading Plan For Ohio Schools
Columbus Dispatch, OH, May 16, 2013

Gov. John Kasich and state legislators last spring created a new reading guarantee designed to identify young students with reading problems, get them help and keep them in the third grade if they do meet certain standards.


Corbett To Keep Tomalis In New Post, Same Pay
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 16, 2013

Gov. Corbett made it official Wednesday: Pennsylvania Education Secretary Ron Tomalis is leaving his cabinet post, to be replaced by a suburban Harrisburg school superintendent.

SRC Renews 5 Charters
Philadelphia Daily News, PA, May 16, 2013

THE SCHOOL REFORM Commission voted to approve charter renewals for five schools last night, but four of them were forced to improve their enrollment procedures.

Plan Stresses Attracting Charter-School Students Back To York City Schools
The York Dispatch, PA, May 15, 2013

The state-appointed chief recovery officer for the York City School District doesn’t want to lose any time attracting charter-school students back to the district.

Charters’ Double Dip
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, May 16, 2013

In response to the May 7 letter “Wrong Reform” by Robert Fayfich, executive director of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, an important clarification must be made.

School Websites The Latest Venue For Advertisements As Districts Seek Revenue Sources
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, May 16, 2013

With funding tight, expenses ever increasing and limits set on how high taxes can be raised, school leaders find themselves looking for new ways to raise revenues.


Flynn: Charter School Cost Unfair To Lincoln
Valley Breeze, RI, May 15, 2013

The taxpayers of the town of Lincoln are paying the tuition this year for 68 children enrolled in the Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy. This is costing the taxpayers $650,488 for this year. This amount will be increasing each year as the charter school expands, and in the next few years could exceed $1 million.


SC High School Graduation Exit Exam Could Be History
The State, SC, May 15, 2013

There also is wide agreement among lawmakers, state education officials and educators that the state should eliminate the test because, they say, it does not adequately measure students’ preparation for college or for today’s work force.


Stax Records Left A Powerful Legacy With An Ongoing Impact On Students In Memphis’ Soulsville
Associated Press, May 16, 2013

The academy also is adjacent to the Soulsville Charter School, which sends most, if not all, of its graduates to college every year.


House To Consider Much-Watched Charter School Bill
Beaumont Enterprise, TX, May 16, 2013

The House is set to debate a plan to dramatically expand the number of charter schools allowed to operate in Texas — a sweeping proposal that’s cleared the Senate but could face a tougher road in the lower chamber.

Texas Charter School Bill Would Put End To Nepotism
Dallas Morning News, TX, May 16, 2013

Texas charter schools can hire relatives of board members and superintendents. It’s a unique perk that was meant to foster innovation but has led to abuses of taxpayer dollars.


In Maine, Push For Virtual Schools Fades
Press Herald, ME, May 16, 2013

After negative publicity, a task force’s preliminary report omits key digital learning reforms championed by Gov. LePage and Jeb Bush.

State Panel Won’t Consolidate 18 Virtual School Appeals
Daily Herald, IL, May 15, 2013

Administrators, district attorneys, school board members, union representatives and community members packed the meeting Wednesday of the Illinois State Charter School Commission in Chicago to argue against the proposed appeal process for a virtual charter school — and won.

Daily Headlines for May 15, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


How Could a Sweet Third-Grader Just Cheat on That School Exam?
Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2013

The line between right and wrong in the classroom is often hazy for young children, and shaping the moral compass of children whose brains are still developing can be one of the trickiest jobs a parent faces.



Charter School Gives Second Chance At Success
Hanford Sentinel, CA, May 14, 2013

Students who need to make up for missed or incomplete courses have a new resource available in Hanford.

Parent Trigger Group Gets Thumbs-Up From LAUSD
Mercury News, CA, May 14, 2013

A group of Watts parents have successfully ousted an elementary school principal.On Tuesday, the Weigand Parents Union, representing some of the parents of students attending Weigand Elementary School, became the third group in California to successfully use the state’s parent trigger law.


Core Standards Are Education’s Best Hope
Denver Post, CO, May 15, 2013

Today’s workplace demands highly educated employees who can succeed in an increasingly complex and global economy. As a business leader and parent, I am impressed with the hard work and innovative strategies educators engage in daily to meet the needs of students.

Colorado Springs Joins The Waldorf-Charter Wave
Colorado Springs Independent, CO, May 15, 2013

The charter school movement was supposed to bring a sense of experimentation into education, a chance to throw new ideas at the wall and see what stuck. In reality, however, most Colorado charters have followed the same principle: “back to basics.”


(Some) Charter School Applications Released
CT Mirror blog, CT, May 14, 2013

Looks like officials at the State Department of Education have changed their minds about not releasing the applications of those seeking to open new charter schools in the state.

Minority Teachers Key to Closing Achievement Gap
New America Media, May 15, 2013

In Connecticut, where Gov. Dannel Malloy has taken a leadership role in transforming urban education, diversity is the missing ingredient that has likely resulted in the tepid result unveiled at Hartford Public School’s 2013 State of the Schools symposium at the Bushnell Theater earlier this month.


This D.C. Schools Proposal Deserves A Chance
Washington Post, DC, May 14, 2013

Many who have admired D.C. Council member David Catania’s (I-At Large) interest in charter schools and education policy will be surprised if he proves unwilling to entertain Chancellor Kaya Henderson’s proposal to merge a charter school and a traditional public school.

D.C. Mayor Still Discriminating Against Charter School Students
Washington Examiner, DC, May 14, 2013

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray pledged throughout his 2010 mayoral campaign to end years of systematic city underfunding of the District’s public charter school students compared to their peers in the city’s traditional public school system. Yet, after three budgets, he has failed to deliver on his promise.


Superintendent Wants More Choices For Students
Tampa Tribune, FL, May 15, 2013

The Pasco County school district, though, has come up woefully short in offering options for parents shopping for the best opportunities for their children, and that needs to change, Superintendent Kurt Browning said.


No Good Reason To Hold School Reform
Des Moines Register, IA, May 15, 2013

Another proposal would allow home-school parents to teach up to four unrelated children. That raises all kinds of questions …


Breakaway EBR School District Bills Pass Committee
The Advocate, LA, May 14, 2013

A plan to set up a new school district in southeast Baton Rouge edged closer to a late-session showdown Tuesday when a Louisiana House panel approved the package.

Full Speed Ahead: Despite Court Ruling, Cenla Schools Prepare To Accept Voucher Students
Alexandria Town Talk, LA, May 14, 2013

The funding source of the state voucher system was declared unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court, but local private schools are not worried about the program’s future.


Democrats Move Maine Teacher Evaluation Rules Forward After Scolding From Bowen
Bangor Daily News, ME, May 13, 2013

A dust-up around the introduction of new teacher and principal evaluation rules appeared to calm Tuesday with Democrats vowing to pull the measure into the process within a week.


Pr. George’s Official Tapped As Chief Of Staff For Montgomery Schools Superintendent
Washington Post, DC, May 14, 2013

Andrew Zuckerman will serve as Montgomery County Schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr’s new chief of staff starting June 17.

Montgomery Announces ‘Innovation Schools’ Pilot Program For Improving Achievement
Washington Post, DC, May 14, 2013

Schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr on Tuesday announced the first Montgomery County “Innovation Schools,” a list of 10 schools that will work with central office administrators to develop customized plans for improvement.

City School System Receives Seven Charter Applications
The Baltimore Sun, MD, May 14, 2013

The city school board is considering proposals for seven charter schools that include two named for female trailblazers, another attempt at an all-male, college-preparatory program in East Baltimore, and an elementary school for at-risk youths.


Bellingham Teachers Union Declares No Confidence In Super, Chairman
Milford Daily News, MA, May 15, 2013

The Bellingham Teachers Association has voted “no confidence” in Superintendent Edward Fleury and School Committee Chairman Daniel Ranieri, citing increasingly hostile contract negotiations and recent job cuts.

Hudson High School Starting New Programs To Curb Dropouts
MetroWest Daily, MA, May 15, 2013

With a nearly 3 percent dropout rate at the high school, the administration has created new programs and allocated resources to help students earn their diplomas.


50,000 Families Are On Waiting Lists For New York City Charter Schools
New York Daily News, NY, May 15, 2013

Parents are learning a tough lesson about the city’s school system: There aren’t enough charter school seats to meet demand.

City Classrooms At The Crossroads
New York Daily News, NY, May 15, 2013

Why it is absolutely crucial to get a strong teacher evaluation system, whether by negotiation or imposition


Big Voucher Bill Postponed, Little Voucher Bill Moves
News & Observer, NC, May 14, 2013

A hearing on a broad voucher bill was pushed to after crossover, but a bill offering vouchers for disabled students to attend private schools continued its march to the House floor.


Cleveland Parents Must Invest In School Reform
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, May 15, 2013

The discouraging parental turnout was troubling. It was also business as usual in a district where a handful of parents are active in the schools while others are no-shows.


Oklahoma School Districts Could Opt Out Of State Mandates Under Bill Sent To Governor
Tulsa World, OK, May 15, 2013

All public school districts would have the same ability as charter schools to opt out of state mandates under legislation sent to the governor Tuesday by the House of Representatives.


Extra Students May Put Discovery Charter In Jeopardy
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 15, 2013

Discovery Charter School in Parkside says it is fighting for its life. In anticipation of having its charter renewed and opening a new building, the academically successful elementary school added 73 students beyond the 620 maximum in its current charter.

Pa. Official: Charter Schools Flout Public-Records Law
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 14, 2013

Pennsylvania’s 180 charter schools routinely ignore the state’s Right-To-Know Law even though as publicly funded institutions they are bound to comply with it, the chief of the state’s Office of Open Records told a Senate committee on Monday.


Utah Charter School Nurtures Entrepreneurial Spirit
NPR, May 15, 2013

A new charter school in Utah wants to equip students in kindergarten through ninth grade with a solid foundation in business.


GOP Considers Statewide School Vouchers
Wisconsin Public Radio, WI, May 14, 2013

GOP lawmakers are pushing for school vouchers to expand statewide — further than an expansion plan fellow Republican Governor Scott Walker recommends.

Vouchers Won’t Improve Education
Dunn County News, WI, May 14, 2013

There are many reasons why we are opposed to the expansion of private voucher schools in Wisconsin, but our main concern could be boiled down to equality and accountability.


Virtual Charter School Off Of Legislative Radar … For The Moment
Progressive Pulse, NC, May 14, 2013

K12, Inc. bumped into another stumbling block in its attempt to break into North Carolina’s public education market, with a state legislator saying he will forgo legislation to put an online charter school’s application back in front of the State Board of Education.

Legislation Further Undermines Florida’s Public School System
Bradenton Herald, FL, May 15, 2013

Florida’s relentless drive to privatize public education scored another victory on the final day of the Legislature’s session when Republicans approved the expenditure of public school funds on classes offered by online learning companies. While applauding the measure as a win for school choice, GOP lawmakers conveniently ignored troublesome aspects to privatization.

Virtual School’s Students Got The Raw Deal
Roanoke Times, VA, May 15, 2013

I was highly disappointed in the one-sided May 3 editorial on closing the virtual school in Carroll County (“A raw deal on virtual schools”). The real raw deal here is the more than 400 children (including my son) who just found out they have no school to attend next year. How would your children feel if their school was closed with no warning or good explanation?

EdisonLearning, K12 Inc. Among National Companies Looking To Open New Online Charter Schools In Ohio
StateImpact, OH, May 15, 2013

David Vasconez is running radio ads in Ohio for his company’s new online charter school. He’s working on a sponsorship deal with a minor league sports team. And there’s a grassroots student recruitment plan in the works.

D300 Hears Bid For Local Charter Online Expansion
Courier News, IL, May 15, 2013

The proposal that Northern Kane Educational Corp. CEO Larry Fuhrer presented Monday night to District 300 school board members was different from “other experiences you have had lately,” he said.

Newswire: May 14, 2013

Vol. 15, No. 19

GOOD at ENCOURAGING DROPOUTS (GED). As states across the nation are called to increase high school graduation rates, there’s a growing concern about the value of the GED and state policies that encourage dropouts. As the Washington Post points out, educators and economists alike are calling for stricter access to the GED. Historically, the test was designed to give struggling students and dropouts a new lease on life and get them back on track to pursue higher education or secure a decent job. But in reality the test is encouraging dropouts, according to James Heckman, Nobel Prize winning economist at the University of Chicago, and very few GED test-takers are seeking out higher education. What’s more, employers have found no difference in workplace success between dropouts and those that have completed the GED. So why the increase in students pursuing the GED when there’s little evidence of future success? In some states, like in Maryland, students that complete the GED are granted a high school diploma and are encouraged to do so at age 16! So instead of creating better educational opportunities to keep students engaged in pursuit of success, they are pushing them out the door younger and inflating academic attainment. Lawmakers across the country need to wake up. Maryland may rank #1 according to some, but the reality is most states, including Maryland, are barely making the grade.

MOTHER KNOWS BEST. Vincent Peña is one high school senior that shows us the sky is the limit when given access to better educational opportunities. Over the weekend Vincent became the first person in his family to earn a college degree – an associate degree from Ivy Tech. He’ll receive his high school diploma later in June before going on to Perdue University in the fall. He was especially thankful for his mom this Mother’s Day. Vincent told the Gary Post Tribune, “Mother knows best,” for seeking out the 21st Century Charter School in eighth grade when she increasingly became dissatisfied with the traditional public schools. Kevin Teasley, founder and CEO of the GEO Foundation which operates 21st Century said, “We get our kids exposed to college, and if they put their minds to it they can earn their associate degree on our dime.” Teasley continued, “This kid is getting an honors diploma and an associate degree on the same amount we’d spend on others who are just getting a diploma. But the issue is much more than just stretching the taxpayer dollar, it’s breaking the cycle of poverty.” Not only does 21st Century have the top graduation rate in Gary at 95.2%, it beat the statewide average graduation rate of 88.38% in 2012. Moms really do know best and when lawmakers afford them true Parent Power, all students do better.

UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. The freedom and flexibility that led to the success of Vincent noted above might be at-risk. Over the weekend, Governor Pence signed legislation that has good intentions but will most likely result in unintended consequences. The new law empowers Indiana’s state department of education to become more involved in the day-to-day operations of charter schools. As we’ve pointed out time and time again, quality charter schools are directly correlated to quality authorizers. States with multiple, independent authorizers – independent legally and managerially from existing local and state education agencies – produce more and better opportunities for students. Be sure to check out our new paper on model charter authorizers and why some models, while well-intentioned, have unintended consequences.

MY CHILD MY CHOICE. From coast to coast there’s been a flurry of activity among parents – especially moms – demanding school choice. Families in the Big Apple stormed city hall this morning to announce 50,400 NYC students (enough to fill Yankee Stadium) are on charter school waiting lists. Parents and school leaders also gathered in Harrisburg, PA today to rally in support of more charter and cyber charter school options. Over 100,000 students across Texas were reported to have been on charter school waiting lists last year. So it comes as no surprise that a recent poll by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice found overwhelming support for school choice among moms of school-aged children. This recent study adds to two decades of data proving that the majority of Americans support better educational options for all our children.

CER AT 20. In case you missed it, today we announced a preliminary list of confirmed participants for CER’s 20th Anniversary Celebration – Conference, Gala and Rat Pack EdReformies – on October 9, 2013 in Washington, DC. Honorees, speakers, participants and the full day’s events can be found here.

Schooling in America Survey: What Do Mothers Say About K-12 Education

A survey by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice polled a group of “school moms” who had at least one child in preschool, elementary school or high school and asked them several questions on the state of education in America. Some interesting findings from the survey:

• School moms were much more likely to favor charter schools than oppose them. When charter schools weren’t defined, 45% favored charters and only 19% opposed. When given a definition, the percentage of moms in favor of charters went up to 63%. For American adults without children in school, the numbers were almost identical. This is something that CER has been saying and seeing in our polling for a while. Last year, CER did an independent poll and found similar results in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida.

• Seven out of 10 school moms were in support of tax credits, 19% were opposed and 12% had no opinion. American adults similarly support tax credit scholarships.

• Close to two-thirds of school moms (65%) support education savings accounts (ESAs), a new type of school choice reform that allows parents to put a portion of their public school funding into a savings account for use for primary, secondary or post-secondary education needs One-quarter of school moms (25%) said they opposed ESAs. Less than one out of ten school moms (9%) did not express an opinion.

• When given the definition for a school voucher program, six out of ten American adults (60%) said they support the policy – up four points since last year. About one third, 32%, are opposed.

• When considering the various actions that could occur from a parent trigger policy, both groups supported a school choice option. One out of three school moms (32%) and one-fourth of non-schoolers (26%) say that offering a voucher or scholarship to enroll in another school was the best trigger outcome to serve affected students and families.

Daily Headlines for May 14, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


Conservatives and the Common Core
Wall Street Journal, May 14, 2013

Although the two of us have disagreed about several school-reform issues, we strongly believe that the Common Core State Standards, voluntarily adopted by 45 states, is one of the most promising education initiatives of the past half century. If implemented properly, they can better prepare students for college-level work and to gain the civic knowledge that is essential for democracy to prosper.

Teaching ‘Diversity’
Wall Street Journal, May 14, 2013

Polls show that parents place a premium on having high-quality teachers in the classroom. But the champions of “diversity” who run public schools seem more interested in making sure that teachers and students share the same race and ethnicity , even if that results in hiring a less-capable instructor.

Indiana Hits ‘Pause Button’ On Common Core Education Push
Washington Times, DC, May 13, 2013

Indiana’s former Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels was one of the biggest supporters of the K-12 academic standards known as Common Core.



Weiner High Supporters Push For Agriculture Charter School Option
Kait 8, AR, May 13, 2013

Supporters of Weiner High School are trying yet another road to keep the school open. They’re hoping a conversion charter school for agriculture will work.


Nine San Fernando Valley Schools Seeking Affiliated Charter Status
Pasadena Star, CA, May 13, 2013

Nine more San Fernando Valley campuses would open this fall as charter schools if their applications are approved today by the Los Angeles Unified school board.

Parent Trigger Law Invoked To Kick Out L.A. School’s Administrators
San Bernardino Sun, CA, May 13, 2013

A group of parents appear ready to force the Los Angeles Unified School District to enact sweeping changes at their elementary school.


Funding Trouble For Education Reform
WTNH A, CT, May 13, 2013

re state lawmakers back-tracking on Education Reform? The landmark law passed one year ago may be headed for funding trouble because of the state’s looming red ink problem.


Delaware Senate To Vote On Bill Aimed At Standardizing School Choice Process
Washington Post, DC, May 14, 2013

The state Senate is set to vote on a bill standardizing the school choice process in Delaware. The bill to be voted on Tuesday cleared a Senate committee last week, just one day after receiving unanimous approval in the House.


Failing Flagler Charter School Seeking Turnaround
Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL, May 13, 2013

Instructors at a Palm Coast charter school plagued by poor test scores and low enrollment have spent the year trying to help its students catch up with their peers in other area schools.


3 Days Of Marches Against School Closings Announced
Chicago Tribune, IL, May 14, 2013

With just over a week before the Chicago Board of Education votes on a proposal to close 54 schools, the Chicago Teachers Union and other activist groups said Monday they would hold marches over three days to protest the plan.


State Supreme Court Rules School Voucher Plan Unconstitutional
The Nonprofit Quarterly, May 13, 2013

Remember Louisiana’s plan to use public dollars to send students to private schools? Governor Bobby Jindal, a prospective Republican presidential candidate, made it a linchpin of his educational program.


Teachers’ Contract With Brockton Ties Them To Student Test Scores In Return For 2 Percent Raise
Brockton Enterprise, MA, May 14, 2013

In exchange for one year of raises, the city’s teachers agreed to language training and a state requirement tying them to the academic performance of their students.


Students Left Looking For A School After Academy Of Flint Loses Charter
Flint Journal, MI, May 13, 2013

Nine months ago, officials at the Academy of Flint were told by Central Michigan University that the school’s charter would not be renewed.

A New WAY To Do Summer School
Detroit News, MI, May 13, 2013

Taking the summer off does not facilitate education. There is a new and better way of learning. In a few short weeks another school year will be coming to an end and the summer break will begin.


Lamar Co. Teachers To Receive Merit Pay Raises
Hattiesburg American, MS, May 14, 2013

Lamar County School District will give merit pay increases to teachers beginning in the fall 2014. The Lamar County School Board voted 5-0 to approve a plan for awarding the increases at its May 6 meeting.


Heated Whipping Process On Display In Education Reform Vote
Missouri Times, MO, May 14, 2013

Senate Bill 125, backed by House Speaker Tim Jones, R-Eureka, and touted as a way to improve public schools, failed Wednesday by a vote of 76-82 after a long night in the chamber and an extremely contentious vote-whipping process.


One Move To Fund Education Meeting Opposition From School Boards, Teachers’ Union
Las Vegas Sun, NV, May 13, 2013

Gov. Brian Sandoval’s plan to give tax subsidies to help low-income students attend private schools ran into opposition Monday from school boards and a teachers’ union.


Schools Chief Blasts Mayoral Candidates Over Remarks at Education Forum
New York Times, NY, May 14, 2013

Dennis M. Walcott, the New York City schools chancellor, lashed out at the Democratic candidates for mayor on Monday, saying that he did not believe any of them had a compelling vision to lead city schools and that they had been pandering to gain the support of the teachers’ union.


Separate Public, Charter School Boards Will Hurt Education
News & Observer, NC, May 13, 2013

Republicans in the state legislature are in the process of making a multitude of bad decisions with regard to public education. And the antipathy they feel toward public school teachers, some of whom have criticized cuts to education, is leading GOP lawmakers down a path that will do much damage, from making it harder to get good teachers in the state to dividing public school governance between charter schools and conventional schools to providing vouchers of public money for parents to send kids to private schools.


Yet Another Tale Of A Looted Charter School Shows That Better Fiscal Safeguards Are Needed
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, May 13, 2013

If the Cuyahoga County prosecutor has it right, for the last six years, an in-house den of thieves has stolen nearly $2 million from a Cleveland charter school for teen dropouts, ripping off the taxpayers and their students.


Questions Linger Following Oklahoma City School District Transfer Flap
The Oklahoman, OK, May 14, 2013

PERHAPS Oklahoma City School Board members knew exactly what they were doing when unanimously denying transfers into Classen School of Advanced Studies, one of the state’s premier high schools.


Pennsylvania Getting Swept Into National ‘Common Core’ Education Debate
Morning Call, PA, May 14, 2013

Senate Democrats call on Gov. Tom Corbett to halt start of Common Core standards; House and Senate to hold hearings on Common Core.

Pa. Official: Charter Schools Flout Public-Records Law
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 14, 2013

Pennsylvania’s 180 charter schools routinely ignore the state’s Right-To-Know Law even though as publicly funded institutions they are bound to comply with it, the chief of the state’s Office of Open Records told a Senate committee on Monday.

NPSD Using Delay Tactics, Charter School Says
The Reporter, PA, May 13, 2013

Souderton Charter School Collaborative’s appeal of their denied charter school application has hit an obstacle, with legal counsel for the North Penn School Board objecting to the petition form that was used in gathering signatures of those in support of the charter.

Pittsburgh Public Schools Exploring Options For Different Learning Models
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, May 13, 2013

With options such as charter, private and parochial schools as well as district-operated magnet schools, only 40 percent of K-12 students in the city are attending the feeder school assigned by where they live.

Let’s Fund-Raise For Philly Schools
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 14, 2013

A recent gala headlined by John Legend celebrated the University of Pennsylvania’s exceeding its $3.5 billion fund-raising goal by $800 million. But only blocks away, University City High School students quietly emptied their lockers following the Philadelphia School Reform Commission decision to close their school and 22 others to cover a $300 million budget deficit.


Nashville Schools Cast Wider Net For Gifted Children
The Tennessean, TN, May 14, 2013

Black and Hispanic children are grossly underrepresented in the Encore program for academically gifted and talented students, which serves children from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade, according to statistics provided by the school system.


Lawmakers Tour Voucher Schools
Fox 11, WI, May 13, 2013

Some state lawmakers got a first-hand look at the state’s school voucher system Monday. Democrats and Republicans took a look around four voucher schools in Milwaukee Monday afternoon. This as Governor Walker is pushing to expand the school voucher program from two to nine districts including Green Bay, Fond du Lac and Sheboygan.


Education Committee Votes Along Party Lines To Stall Virtual Charter Schools
Bangor Daily News, ME, May 13, 2013

Maine would impose a moratorium on virtual charter schools and require that all charter schools function as nonprofit organizations if three measures endorsed Monday by the Legislature’s Education Committee become law.

Online Charter School Hopes to Escape from Limbo
New Jersey Spotlight, NJ, May 14, 2013

The nation’s largest online education company, K12 Inc., is once again registering kids and offering jobs to teachers for the debut of New Jersey’s first virtual charter school – all without knowing if the school will even open.

Virtual Schools Poised To Go Viral In Florida
Palm Beach Post, FL, May 13, 2013

Florida Virtual School grow 20 percent a year as legislature starts requirement for online class to graduate.

Dist. 300 Considers Second Online Charter School Plan
Daily Herald, IL, May 13, 2013

Community Unit District 300 board members have moved from one charter school proposal to another, holding a public hearing Monday night for the Illinois Online Charter School.

Moreno Valley: School Board To Consider Online School
Press Enterprise, CA, May 13, 2013

The Moreno Valley Unified School District board is scheduled to add another program to increase graduation rates, an online school.

Major Anniversary Conference and Awards Gala Lineup Announced

Honorable William J. Bennett, Education Commissioner Tony Bennett, Charter Pioneer Yvonne Chan, PA. Rep. Dwight Evans, Entrepreneurs Jon Hage and Deborah McGriff, among honorees and presenters

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
May 14, 2013

The Center for Education Reform (CER) announced today a preliminary list of confirmed participants for its 20th Anniversary Celebration – Conference, Gala and Rat Pack EdReformies on October 9, 2013 in Washington, DC. Honorees, speakers and participants in the full day’s events also include:

• Media personality Michelle Bernard
• Honorable Kevin Chavous
• Connections Education President Barbara Dreyer
• Activist reformers Howard Fuller and Lisa Graham Keegan
• Ted Kolderie, founder of the charter school movement
• The Gleason Family Foundation: Tracy, Jim and Janis
• NJ education committee director Melanie Schulz
• Georgia Representative Alisha Thomas-Morgan
• Accelerated School founder Johnathan Williams

These and additional thought leaders will participate in engaging discussions during the day about the course of education reform and lead a major celebration of reform at night.

“Our guests and speakers embody the pioneering and energetic leadership of the education excellence movement,” Jeanne Allen, Center for Education Reform President, said in a statement. “The examples they have set and the milestones they’ve accomplished are extraordinary. There is no better way to celebrate The Center’s 20th Anniversary than to do so in the company and with the wisdom of those who have set the standard for education reform.”

For more information on CER’s 20th Anniversary Celebration including honorees, other featured presentations, and registration information please visit the 20th Anniversary area of

Daily Headlines for May 13, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


Mothers Want More School Choices For Kids
USA Today, May 12, 2013

In a nation that offers so many choices from what cell phones to buy our kids to what pizza parlor will host their next birthday party, school choice is one choice no mother should be denied.

Study: Black Students Suspended More Often Than Others
USA Today, May 12, 2013

Black students are suspended more than three times as often as their white classmates, twice as often as their Latino classmates and more than 10 times as often as their Asian classmates in middle and high schools nationwide, a new study shows.



Tanque Verde Looks At Turning Elementary School Into Charter
Arizona Star, AZ, May 12, 2013

The Tanque Verde Unified School District is considering the possibility of changing one of its elementary school into a charter school.


Phillips Struggles To Save Its Charter Status
Napa Valley Register, CA, May 12, 2013

Students, parents and teachers from Phillips Charter School filled the room at a recent school board meeting in an attempt to save Phillips from losing its charter.

LAUSD Board Could Ban Suspensions For ‘Willful Defiance’
Los Angeles Times, CA, May 12, 2013

Backers of the resolution say ‘zero tolerance’ is harming kids. ‘Instead of punishing students, we’re going to engage them,’ says one supporter.


The Wrong Way To Go After New School Law
CT Post, CT, May 11, 2013

Denying funding to programs created under last year’s school reform bill will not make them disappear.


Teacher Pay Gaps Among Washington Area Schools Could Deepen
Washington Post, DC, May 11, 2013

After years of pay freezes and unpaid furloughs, physical education teacher Steven Lightman received a roughly $8,000 annual salary bump this school year.

D.C. Would Be Stronger With A Weaker Mayor
Washington Post, DC, May 11, 2013

The recent investigation into cheating in D.C. schools highlights a little-understood fact in the District: Our mayor has too much power. Every state-level agency charged with overseeing the mayor’s activities reports to the mayor — a level of control that exists nowhere else in the country.


Will Rowlett Chart A New Course?
Herald Tribune, FL, May 12, 2013

The last thing the embattled Manatee County School District needs is for one of its premier schools, Rowlett Magnet Elementary, to leave the fold.


Where UNO Charter Schools’ Money Comes From
Chicago Sun Times-IL, May 13, 2013

As the largest charter-school operator in Illinois, the United Neighborhood Organization depends largely on City Hall and Springfield.


New Law Shifts Remediation From College To High School
News and Tribune, IN, May 13, 2013

Legislation signed into law by Gov. Mike Pence will require high schools throughout Indiana do a better job of determining whether their students are ready to go college.


Charter Schools Help Drive Educational Success
Times-Picayune, LA, May 12, 2013

The charter school movement and the educator empowerment it provides has been a potent driver behind the academic gains we see in New Orleans public schools.

State’s School Voucher Funding Questioned
The Advocate, LA, May 13, 2013

Gov. Bobby Jindal faces budget and political hurdles in his bid to continue funding for vouchers after the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that the current spending method is unconstitutional.

Voucher Ruling Creates Uncertainties
Shreveport Times, LA, May 13, 2013

Gov. Bobby Jindal somehow was claiming a victory and telling parents not to worry after the Louisiana Supreme Court, in a 6-1 vote, rejected his administration’s legal arguments and declared the financing of his voucher program unconstitutional.

Court Made The Right Choice On Voucher Issue
The Advertiser, LA, May 13, 2013

The Louisiana Supreme Court was right last week when it upheld a lower court decision that ruled funding the state’s voucher program with money from the Minimum Foundation Program was unconstitutional. Taxpayer money dedicated to supporting the state’s financially struggling public schools should not be diverted to private schools.


School Reform 2.0
Baltimore Sun, MD, May 12, 2013

The mission should not just be to find another Alonso but to recruit someone who can address the challenges the departing CEO left behind


We Face A Gap In Opportunity, Not Achievement
Boston Globe, MA, May 12, 2013

WHILE PARENTS told touching stories of their children’s activities at charter schools at last week’s hearing before the Legislature’s Education Committee, the fact that charter schools do not serve all Massachusetts students was also hammered home (“Charter advocates want cap removed,” Metro, May 8).

Where District Schools Falter, State Should Add More Charters
Boston Globe, MA, May 12, 2013

CHARTER SCHOOLS started as an experiment, but over the last two decades, the innovative academies, which operate independently of local school committees and teachers’ unions, have become an established source of new strategies.


Michigan Lawmakers Debate Teacher Performance Pay
Detroit News, MI, May 12, 2013

Michigan teachers’ performance in the classroom would play a bigger role in the amount they get in their paychecks under a proposal being debated in the Republican-controlled state House.


Backlash Of New Education Standards Is Rooted In Suspicion Of Federal Government
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO, May 12, 2013

James Shuls of the conservative Show-Me Institute considers himself an outspoken critic of the Common Core, a set of national standards that define what English and math skills public school children should learn at each grade level.


Taos County Charters Emphasize School Choice
Taos News, NM, May 11, 2013

Taos’ charter schools are among those celebrating National Charter Schools Week by touting what they have to offer.

Double-Testing Districts Flunk Common Sense
Albuquerque Journal, NM, May 13, 2013

The whole idea behind moving New Mexico’s K-12 curriculum to a common core is to ensure students have the sufficient foundations in each subject matter at each grade level to advance. It is an essential requirement in the state’s federal waiver to No Child Left Behind mandates.


Charter Schools More Segregated Than Traditional Public Schools
WCNC, NC, May 10, 2013

At Sugar Creek Charter School on North Tryon Street in Charlotte, black students make up 96% of the student body while at Community School of Davidson, black students account for about 3% of the school.


Charter School For Troubled Students Calling It Quits
Columbus Dispatch, OH, May 11, 2013

A Columbus charter school that serves troubled students in grades 6-9 will close at the end of this school year.

Cleveland School District, Cleveland Teachers Union Revamp Salary System To Reward Best Teachers
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, May 13, 2013

A tentative contract negotiated by the Cleveland school district and Cleveland Teachers Union throws out “step” raises based on years of experience and advanced degrees and replaces them with a new system in which teachers have to earn “achievement credits” to move up the salary ladder.

Charter Schools, Too, Merit Public Aid
Columbus Dispatch, OH, May 13, 2013

When it comes to charter-school funding and performance, reality can be hard to discern when interest groups hide or distort facts. Nothing is more frustrating than an elusive truth.


School Grading Bill Merits Oklahoma Legislature’s Approval
The Oklahoman, OK, May 13, 2013

IN the sometimes Orwellian world of politics, the meaning of words can be twisted beyond recognition. In the Oklahoma House of Representatives, some lawmakers are translating “local control” to mean school administrators have a right to require teachers to engage in grade inflation. Failure to turn in an assignment would be no cause for a student to get a zero.


Charter School Lawyers Ask Judge To Postpone Whistleblower’s Suit
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, May 13, 2013

A federal investigation of a Kensington charter school has not made headlines since a TV station showed video of agents carting off boxes of documents in 2009, but the probe is very much alive.

Homewood School Alters Approach To Good Behavior
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, PA, May 13, 2013

At Pittsburgh Faison K-5 in Homewood, fifth-grader Sha’nya Currington was so excited to be recognized for her good behavior that she ran across the gym, jumped up and gave a huge hug to educator Janice Motley.


New Charter Schools Not In Stars For Pee Dee
Morning News, SC, May 13, 2013

The South Carolina Department of Education announced a list of 19 schools last week that have applied to become accredited charter schools to open in the 2014-15 school year, after using next year to plan. The proposed schools are concentrated in the Midlands, the Upstate and in Charleston.


Williamson Co. Superintendent Gets His Wish: Freedom To Be More Like Charter Schools
Nashville Public Radio, TN, May 13, 2013

Williamson County Schools could be free of some state regulations as soon as July 1st. The suburban system pushed the “High Performing School Districts Flexibility Act” through the legislature, and it was signed into law late last week.


In Education Reform Debate, One Group Stands Out
Texas Tribune, TX, May 12, 2013

As his legislation expanding the state’s virtual school network reached the floor of the Texas House in early May, Rep. Ken King was focused on what it was not.


A Road Map For Education Reform
Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, WI, May 11, 2013

As much as any city in America, Milwaukee has played a pioneering role in educational choice. More than two decades after establishing the nation’s first urban school voucher program, Milwaukee offers families a raft of options, including district schools, charter schools and publicly funded private school scholarships.


Altoona Pulls Out Of Cyber School
Altoona Mirror, PA, May 12, 2013

As one local district cuts ties to a local cyber charter school to save money, another is looking to take it over as a source of revenue.

Law Opens Up Funding For Virtual Schools
Bradenton Herald, FL, May 12, 2013

Private online learning companies will get a better shot at Florida public school funding under a bill that won approval on the final day of the legislative session.

Recording: K12 Inc. Struggled To Comply With Law
Miami Herald, FL, May 12, 2013

The Florida Center for Investigative Reporting and StateImpact Florida have obtained internal emails and a recording of a company meeting that provide new insight into allegations that K12 Inc., the nation’s largest online education company, uses teachers in Florida who do not have all of the required state certifications.

What Comes Next For Proposed Virtual Charter School In Suburbs?
Chicago Sun Times, IL, May 13, 2013

More than 100 suburban school board members voted against an online charter school in April that was proposed to serve students from Algonquin to Plainfield.

The Who’s Who Of Online Charter School Plan
Daily Herald, IL, May 13, 2013

Suburban school board members from Algonquin to Plainfield received a proposal February 14 for a virtual charter school that would cross 18 school district boundaries. It was a Valentine’s Day surprise from Virtual Learning Solutions, a fledgling nonprofit that had incorporated with the state just a month before.

True Colors: Celebrating Teachers, Students, and Reform

May 10, 2013

Our PALs in CA, in a lovely email about how much of a difference a great teacher can make in a child’s life, shared John Legend’s rendition of an 80s anthem celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week, calling on our students to celebrate their “true colors.”

Legend is among dozens of past CER EdReformie honorees. As CER turns 20, we’ll be honoring more education reformers at our Conference & Gala on October 9 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. You don’t want to miss it! Stay tuned here— CER At 20 Conference & Gala registration will be up soon!