CER Events
Virtual Mini-Fest | Countering Covid: Don’t Let Education Fall into the Curve
Millions of families and educators have been thrust into digital learning, and policymakers nationwide are racing to catch up with a tidal wave of ideas, programs and services. As educators are challenged to teach remotely (or told not to teach at all) and parents are challenged to manage their students’ work, many are asking, “How do we do this, and do it well?”
Ed Tech entrepreneurs from across the globe will lead the way in answering that very question April 14, 2020.
Why America? was started by the Center for Education Reform (CER), a group whose 25-year history began in Washington, DC, and was instrumental in bringing about the charter school movement here and nationwide. CER collaborated with FOCUS DC to make experiential learning come alive for students in charter schools, as well as, other school sectors when they can join us. Why charters? Because you have the flexibility to accommodate new and different learning opportunities and are not stifled by as much bureaucracy as the traditional system.
Charter School Night at Nationals Park
Nearly 1,000 teachers, school leaders, parents and children representing 50 school networks and more than 70 schools came together for Charter School Night at Nationals Park. Not only did the group celebrate the National’s 11-1 romp over the Colorado Rockies but more importantly the victories that these education innovators have created with their dedication to the families of the District are changing lives.
The ASU GSV Summit is a standout conference that CER attends every year because of its unique focus on technology, innovation, and education. Check out CER-hosted panels on innovation from 2016, and what ASU GSV conference goers wanted to tell the incoming president about innovation in education.
This one-day event was the launching point for the leaders in the field to transposition the public conversation on educational reform. This is the beginning of us collectively changing of the conversation, and broadening. The support base which will result in an
increased focus on opportunity, innovation and content knowledge.
25th Anniversary Gala: Conference, Gala and Rewards Show
For over 25 years the Center for Education Reform has been leading the fight for innovation and opportunity in education, we’ve been privy to the best hearts and minds that one could ever hope to bring together under one tent to expand educational excellence. In celebration of its Silver Anniversary, Governor Jeb Bush served as the Honorary Chair of the 25th Anniversary Summit and Gala scheduled for October 25-26, 2018 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Miami, Florida.
CER Kemp Forum on Expanding OpportunityThe Center for Education Reform together with the Jack Kemp Foundation hosted two forums uniting national, state and local leaders to solve for limited opportunity and lagging achievement in US education. Watch the critical conversations about upward mobility through parent power.
20th Anniversary Gala: Conference, Gala and Rewards Show
The Center for Education Reform’s 20th Anniversary Celebration – Conference, Gala and EdReformies – celebrated the milestones we collectively share and have nurtured and recognized those who have been the “classics” of our movement, people whose contributions to the enormous progress made on education reform are both unique and path breaking.
18th Anniversary Gala: Rockin’ Reform Review
On October 20, 2011, the Center for Education Reform celebrated its 18th Anniversary with a spectacular evening. Hundreds of guests gathered to pay homage to our movement’s coming of age and the 2011 EdReformie Honorees: The Honorable John Boehner, Katherine Brittain Bradley, Kevin P. Chavous, John Fisher, Steven Klinsky, John Legend, Eva S. Moskowitz, and Brian Williams.
CER Webinars
The State of Charter Schools: What We Know–and What We Don’t–About Performance and Accountability
The State of Charter Schools: What We Know–and What We Don’t–About Performance and Accountability, was broadcast via live stream from the National Press Club on Wednesday, December 21, 2011.
Charter School Laws Across the States 2012
The wide variations in charter school laws state by state average out to a grade in need of improvement, according to The Essential Guide to Charter School Law by the Center for Education Reform. In its 13th annual analysis of laws across the states, CER, the leading advocate for substantive and structural change in US education, documents the conditions for effective laws that support the growth and success of these proven models of public schooling.