Thomas-Morgan, Alisha
Georgia House of Representatives
Serving in her sixth term in the Georgia House of Representatives, Alisha Thomas Morgan is a full-time lawmaker and full-time advocate for students. Throughout her career, she’s challenged traditional thinking on education, working for common sense solutions with democrats and republicans alike. An education expert in her own right, she consults for the U.S. Department of Education and served on the House Education Committee and Innovation Subcommittee on Education, Appropriations and Health and Human Services. She is the recipient of the Legislative Leadership Award from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, Champion for Choice Award from the American Federation for Children, the BAEO Champion award, the Keeping Kids First Award from the Ohio Coalition for Quality Education, the Friend of Education Award from the Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the Impact Award by the Georgia Charter Schools Association. She has been quoted by the New York Times, Washington Post, and CSPAN, and featured in Ebony Magazine’s “Nation’s 30 Leaders Under 30”, AOL Black Voices’ “America’s Young Civil Rights Heroes”, and Essence Magazine’s fifteen women of the “New Power Generation”. But Alisha’s most important qualification as a lawmaker and an education reformer is being a proud parent whose daughter just began first grade in Cobb County Public Schools.