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Special Newswire – June 8, 2020

Newswire – June 2, 2020

Newswire – May 26, 2020

Newswire – May 19, 2020

EDUCATION’S BERLIN WALL. When the Berlin Wall fell and East Germans experienced freedom for the first time — there was no going back.  With an assist from COVID19, and despite the overwhelming tragedies and seeming irreversible impact it has created, the walls confining students to education based on zip code has also fallen. Millions of parents and kids are learning for the first time the capacity of their schools’ administrators to respond to crises. As we’ve written in the pathbreaking report, “The Future of School” released last month, this experience is an opportunity to determine how best to educate every child, no matter where, or what their circumstances. Whether the approach taking place is called distance, digital, remote or whatever, it doesn’t matter.  The smell of innovation and creativity unbridled by bureaucracy is in the air. The anecdotal stories of parents, school leaders and citizens city by city shows that 40 percent of Americans now more likely to homeschool and enroll kids in virtual school, when given the choice. Ah, but there’s the rub.

Organizing tele-townhalls, and pro-status quo virtual marches, the NEA is spending all of its time and money advocating for more stimulus funds to plug the gaping hole of the empty school buildings

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Newswire – May 5, 2020


The year 2000. That’s when National Charter Schools Week started (though some suggest it was 1999). The first Congressional resolution was introduced in the House by Democratic Representative Tim Roemer of Indiana and by Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. The resolution acknowledged and commended “the charter school movement for its contribution to improving our Nation’s public school system Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) a National Charter Schools Week should be established; and (2) the President should issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to conduct appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities to demonstrate support for charter schools in communities throughout the Nation.”

And indeed President Clinton did so.He also called for and went on to sign a bi-partisan bill to help expand charters. (see clip) That program has expanded over time and under bi-partisan leadership in Washington, DC and the states.

WHAT CHARTERS UNDER COVID SHOW US TODAY. Today, while there is much more to the charter movement which CER helped to start than a simple week, it’s fitting that during this time of COVID we should celebrate the one and only public school reform in history to give teachers freedom, parents choice, and kids the opportunity out of an education determined by zip code.

So much more to learn and to say about charter schools but here are a few takeaways to share with your friends

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Newswire – May 5, 2020

Week 8 of Quarantine?

For some it’s 6, 7 or 8 but it’s been a long time. Everything has changed, including when we publish our content and what we are doing. In fact, some suggest that this pandemic has forced us to all do things differently, that have been a long time coming. Change is hard, so while CER won’t change its focus, its DNA or its approach (apologies, foes and fair-weather friends!), we do adapt when the necessity arises. Here’s what you need to know on this 5th day of May 2020–

THIS IS WHY WE CALL IT THE BLOB. Dozens of education groups are mobilizing to get more money moving to education, which you might think is a good thing, if not for the fact that the traditional system has failed a majority of students — for decades. Asking for $200 billion, on top of the $13 billion in new monies already delivered for education (see related story below) to fund federal programs in anticipation of state budget cuts is the epitome of throwing good money after bad. Never mind that the rest of the nation has to try to figure out how to tighten belts, which includes the taxpayers who pay for federal funding. Never mind that students are being educated in many diverse ways, and not just through Districts. Never mind that not one mention of the fact that the system they seek to fund has been doing a stunningly poor job.

Rather than

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Newswire – April 22, 2020

THE FUTURE OF SCHOOL?  If you’re interested in that, you’ll want to be joining the CER ACTION Series (That’s ACTION — meaning Accelerating Change through Innovation and Opportunity NOW)! Part III on the Future of School covered the experiences of two Change Makers who combined, serve almost 80,000 students remotely and digitally with much individual attention — despite the challenges presented by COVID. Learn more about the work of Jon Hage and his team at Charter Schools USA and Julie Young, CEO at ASU Prep Digital. You can watch the entire session. But just to wet your whistle:

“We don’t need to have a gap in our learning because we have a virus in our country…Hopefully after COVID, we will look at boundaries and geographic barriers very differently.” – Jon Hage

“We believe school is a verb; it can take place anywhere, and anytime — no boundaries, no barriers,”  – Julie Young.

PLAN TO JOIN US FOR MORE… Next week, Tuesday, April 28th, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm with Patricia A. Brantley, CEO, Friendship Public Charter School, a founding partner of the nearly two decade-old Friendship with 12 campuses in Washington, DC and schools in many other cities, and Antonio Roca, Managing Director at Academica Virtual Education, overseeing 200 public charter schools and

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Newswire – April 15, 2020


SCHOOLS ARE OPEN…It’s just the facilities that are closed. That’s what you’ll learn and see from today’s Ed Innovation Webinar, that despite the challenges and crisis, there are educators, leaders, visionaries and companies who are delivering for the students — our nation’s future.

WHAT DOES THE FUTURE OF SCHOOL LOOK LIKE? You won’t want to miss the opportunity to truly “see” the redesigned schools out there… REGISTER NOW for APRIL 21 at 11 AM EST.

PARENTS YOU CAN DO THIS. This week in Forbes, Jeanne Allen explains that parents have been teaching their children since day one. Perhaps not typical “classroom” lessons, but vital life lessons, and they are their child’s first — and best — teacher.

ABOUT AS REMOTE AS YOU CAN GET.  Florida is the state furthest removed from Alaska, yet thanks to some innovative thinking in both states, the Florida Virtual School will now provide classes and trainingto students and teachers in Alaska.  As Alaska’s Education Commissioner Michael Johnson commented, “School is more than a location — education can happen anywhere”. Officials of teachers’ unions everywhere should be required to write that sentence 100 times on a blackboard!

JOB MATCHING. Our economy has taken an enormous hit and jobs are changing. “There is no natural mechanism today to match the people being laid off to the available job openings,”

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Newswire – April 7, 2020

Perhaps the most famous literary first line in history (if you were fortunate to be exposed to English literature, which, for all too many people is not the case) is “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” from Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities.” COVID is creating for many the worst of times. Yet the overwhelming response from Americans of all stripes and the outpouring of help, including for education, indicates that in some ways these may be the best of times for Americans’ generosity and public spiritedness.

HOW DO YOU GET THE ANSWERS? If you want to know anything about where we are and what to do to avoid COVID-19, you watch or read the words of the amazing Dr. Anthony Fauci. But if you want to know anything about where we are in education or how to teach remotely or manage your kids distance learning, you kind of have to figure it out yourself, unless someone is….

BRINGING ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. One of the few downsides to the enormous outpouring of ideas and solutions for the millions of students, parents and educators suddenly thrust into unfamiliar digital learning roles has been the sheer volume of information — one colleague compared it to “drinking out of a fire hose.”Put down that fire hose and avail yourself of the first searchable database of curated resources from around the country which CER will launch on Wednesday, April 8.  Follow us on Twitter or check into Read More …

Newswire – April 1, 2020


Yes Today is April Fools’ Day – but there is no fooling around in this Newswire. Just information we know you can use whether you’re a parent, teacher, student, administrator or just a foot soldier in the one answer to COVID that we can control — quality schooling from home.

A NEW RESOURCE PLATFORM is your one-stop shopping for the best and latest efforts in accessing substantive, innovative education options, here and across the globe. We designed this specifically for families, students, educators and anyone who wants to know what 5-star programs can be yours — for free. This will be the most worthwhile 10 minutes you spend today.  And come back often as we continuously update the offerings.

THE LATEST ON THE FEDERAL RESPONSE TO HELP SCHOOLING FROM HOME Details are contained in the comprehensive remarks of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from Friday’s press briefing where you will learn about the full range of help available from D.C., including making sure students impacted by school closures still have access to the school meals, the delay of a year in federally mandated standardized tests, plans to insure that students with disabilities have full access to distance learning and a rundown of initiatives taken by various states.  This and more available to you at the Department’s COVID information page.


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Follow us on twitter, FB and instagram, and email [email protected] to tell us your stories/solutions. Whatever we get from you on social media — or directly via an email — will be shared, utilized in tele-townhalls, conferences and provided to the media. So please keep us informed by sending us what you know — so we can keep everyone informed.